Mastering Mobile System Design

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Course Overview: Are you an aspiring Mobile developer looking to take your skills to the next level and ace your system design interviews? Look no further! Our comprehensive course, "Mastering Mobile System Design," is specifically designed to equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in Mobile System Design interviews and stand out from the competition.

In this course, we dive deep into the world of Mobile system design, covering a wide range of real-world scenarios and challenges. Through meticulously crafted lessons and hands-on exercises, you'll gain the skills and confidence to tackle even the most complex system design questions.

Top Mobile System Design Interview Questions:

In-Depth Solutions to Real-World Scenarios and Most Asked Interview Questions:

  • Design a Chat Application
  • Design a File Uploader Library
  • Design a Push Notifications System
  • Advance Push Notification Scenarios in Apps: A Deep Dive into Multi-User, Multi-Module, and Multi-Token Support handling
  • Design Social Media app like TikTok
  • Develop an Analytics Library
  • Design a Location-Sharing Library
  • Designing an Uber-like Application
  • Design Google doc application
  • Design a stock brokerage app similar to Zerodha
  • Design a Trello app
  • Design Cache library for Mobile
  • Design Instagram Story Mobile App
  • Design Splitwise-like expense app
  • Design a Network Library
  • Design an A/B Experiment Library for Android/iOS
  • Design a Pagination Library for Android/iOS
  • Design a JSON Parsing Library for Android/iOS
  • Design Google Photos-like AppĀ 
  • Design an Airline Booking System
  • Designing a Robust Data Synchronization System for Multi-Device Mobile Applications
  • Implementing a Checkpoint System for Data Synchronization in Android
  • and more (Work in Progress)

Template for crafting Mobile System Design Interviews with Cheatsheet and Design Decision tree with the following topics:

  1. Introduction
  • 1.1 The Importance of Mobile System Design
  • 1.2 Purpose and Goals of the Guide
  • 1.3 How to Use This Guide

2. Approach to Mobile System Design Questions

  • 2.1 Clarifying Requirements and Assumptions
  • 2.1.1 Functional Requirements
  • 2.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements
  • 2.1.3 Assumptions and Constraints

2.2 Defining Client-Server Communication

  • 2.2.1 API Design and Endpoints
  • 2.2.2 Data Synchronization and Real-Time Updates

2.3 Choosing the Appropriate Storage Mechanism

  • 2.3.1 Local Storage Options
  • 2.3.2 Cloud Storage Integration

2.4 Developing a Caching Strategy

  • 2.4.1 Local Caching for Offline Support
  • 2.4.2 Cache Invalidation and Synchronization

2.5 Optimizing Data Loading and Transfer

  • 2.5.1 Pagination and Lazy Loading
  • 2.5.2 Prefetching and Background Loading

2.6 Ensuring Scalability and Performance

  • 2.6.1 Handling Increasing Users and Data Volume
  • 2.6.2 Minimizing Resource Consumption

2.7 Prioritizing Security and Privacy

  • 2.7.1 Authentication and Authorization
  • 2.7.2 Data Encryption

2.8 Planning for Internationalization and Localization

  • 2.8.1 Supporting Multiple Languages and Regions
  • 2.8.2 Handling Different Date/Time Formats and Currencies

2.9 Incorporating Error Handling and Resilience

  • 2.9.1 Graceful Handling of Network Failures and Errors
  • 2.9.2 Retry Mechanisms and Fallback Strategies

2.10 Considering Platform-Specific Considerations

  • 2.10.1 Android vs. iOS Design Guidelines and Best Practices
  • 2.10.2 Leveraging Platform-Specific Features and APIs

3. Key Considerations

  • 3.1 Performance
  • 3.2 Offline Support
  • 3.3 Scalability
  • 3.4 User Experience
  • 3.5 Security
  • 3.6 Maintainability
  • 3.7 Testability
  • 3.8 Monitoring and Analytics
  • 3.9 Power Efficiency
  • 3.9.1 Doze Mode and App Standby Mode

4. Trade-offs and Considerations

  • 4.1 Performance vs. Functionality
  • 4.2 Offline Support vs. Data Freshness
  • 4.3 Client-Side vs. Server-Side Processing
  • 4.4 Native vs. Cross-Platform Development
  • 4.5 Data Normalization vs. Denormalization
  • 4.6 Push Notifications vs. Pull Mechanisms
  • 4.7 Encryption vs. Performance
  • 4.8 Retry Failed Requests vs. User Experience
  • 4.9 Analytics Granularity vs. Performance Overhead
  • 4.10 Third-Party Libraries vs. Custom Solutions

5. Mobile System Design Main Decisions Cheat Sheet

5.1 Data Storage and Persistence

  • 5.1.1 Key-Value Storage
  • 5.1.2 Custom/Binary Store
  • 5.1.3 Database
  • 5.1.4 On-Device Secure Storage

5.2 Real-Time Updates and Communication

  • 5.2.1 Web Sockets
  • 5.2.2 Server-Sent Events (SSE)
  • 5.2.3 Push Notifications
  • 5.2.4 Avoiding HTTP Polling for Real-Time Updates

5.3 Pagination

  • 5.3.1 Cursor/Seek Pagination
  • 5.3.2 Keyset Pagination
  • 5.3.3 Offset Pagination

5.4 Communication Protocols

  • 5.4.1 REST (Representational State Transfer)
  • 5.4.2 GraphQL
  • 5.4.3 gRPC with Protocol Buffers

6. Power Management

  • 6.1 Doze Mode
  • 6.2 App Standby Mode

7. Additional Considerations

  • 7.1 Internationalization and Localization
  • 7.2 Battery Optimization
  • 7.3 Error Handling and Resilience
  • 7.4 Push Notifications

8. System Architecture and Components

8.1 Common Architectural Patterns (which one to choose and why?)

  • 8.1.1 Model-View-Presenter (MVP)
  • 8.1.2 Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
  • 8.1.3 Model-View-Intent (MVI)

8.2 Separation of Concerns

8.3 Repositories and Data Sources

9. Best Practices

  • 9.1 Data Serialization
  • 9.2 Caching and Offline Support
  • 9.3 Dependency Injection
  • 9.4 Reactive Programming
  • 9.5 Pagination and Infinite Scrolling
  • 9.6 Image Loading and Caching
  • 9.7 Error Handling
  • 9.8 Secure Authentication
  • 9.9 Data Encryption
  • 9.10 Localization
  • 9.11 Apply Clean Code practices
  • 9.12 Testing
  • 9.13 Performance Monitoring

10. Conclusion

  • 10.1 Recap of Key Takeaways
  • 10.2 Importance of Continuous Learning
  • 10.3 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

Additional Sections:

  • Unique ID Management:
  • Learn best practices for ensuring consistent user experiences across devices and sessions using unique IDs.
  • Performance Optimization Techniques:
  • Discover effective notification cleanup strategies to optimize app performance and resource utilization.
  • Interview Preparation:
  • Gain the skills and confidence to ace your Mobile system design interviews.
  • Learn how to articulate your design choices effectively.
  • Receive tips and strategies for showcasing your expertise during interviews.
  • Get personalized feedback and support from our instructors.

Who Should Take This Course:

  • Android/Ios developers looking to advance their careers and take on more complex projects.
  • Software engineers preparing for Mobile System Design interviews.
  • Aspiring Mobile architects who want to deepen their understanding of system design principles.
  • Anyone passionate about building scalable and high-performance Mobile applications.

This purchase includes future updates at no additional cost.

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Are you an aspiring Senior Android developer looking to take your skills to the next level and ace your system design interviews? Look no further! Our comprehensive course, "Mastering Mobile System Design," is specifically designed to equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in Android system design interviews and stand out from the competition. In this course, we dive deep into the world of Android system design, covering a wide range of real-world scenarios and challenges. Through meticulously crafted lessons and hands-on exercises, you'll gain the skills and confidence to tackle even the most complex system design questions.

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Mastering Mobile System Design

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